Complete batch and loading systems

IBS BatchControl delivers complete solutions for your batch applications, consisting of flow sensors, batch valves, batch controllers, power supplies and interface modules.

Our corporation with all leading manufacturers of the measuring and control technology allows the delivery of the best possible solution.

 Typical truck loading system:

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Custody transfer loading systems for railway wagons

The batch controller type Batching Master 110i/210i is a part of different European approvals for custody transfer conform MI005 / OIML R117. The CT proofed communication controller PCC 400 controls the input of the UIC number of the wagon via the display of the batch controller. This UIC No. will also be shown in the loading protocol and it is part of the stored loading information.Romania 500px

Filling systems for container, IBC and barrels

With a dosing system consisting of a flow meter, a Batching Master 110i/210i and a batching Valve it is possible to build a filling station for container, IBC and barrels. Via special functionalities of the communication controller PCC 400 it's possible to print labels with the product name, quantity of product and additional information about the product after the filling procedure.

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Dosing systems for liquids in the production

In production areas it's required to have exact dosing systems for liquid products into batch reactors or mixing tanks. For the dosing of alcohols or if the plant produces medicine it's necessary to store the batch results or to print dosing protocols. With the PCC 400, IBS is able to deliver solutions where the operator is able to enter additional information like a batch number before the start of the dosing.

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Calibration rig for custody transfer proofed water flow meters

Wasserzaehlerkalibrierung400pxThe company Biesenthal is a leading manufacturer of custody transfer proofed flow meters for water.

At the new calibration rig the Batching Master is used to control the required calibration steps. Electromagnetic flow meters deliver the flow signals and the Batching Master controls the flow rate by regulating a connected control valve.

The operator is able to enter the batch quantity and the required flow rate for each calibration step. This is an easy to use system which performs all requirements for the calibration procedure.

Simple dosing systems with the BC20:

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With the BC 20 it's possible to realize simple batching and dosing systems for safe area applications. It's possible to use simple mechanical flow meters and at low flow rate systems simple valves without air supply can be used.  Optional a 4-20 mA valve output signal with PID flow control function is available, as well as an optional RS 485 Modbus interface.

Batching system for liquefied gas

LPG batch system

Liquefied gas like LPG, Propane or Butane demonstrates out gassing effects as soon as the pressure falls below the vaporization pressure of the gas. These vapour locks would cause fail-measurements in the flow meter.

The override controller function of the Batching Master keeps the pressure during the batch.

The 25-step linearization function of the Batching Master delivers the right pressure set point depending on the actual temperature signal.

A parallel PID flow controller function is also available.

Batch system for ultrapure water

Ultra pure water batch systemUsed in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. 

The continuous water flow in a circulatory system prevents the formation of germs.

The Batching Master close the circle valve before the batch start. Different time functions take care, that only the batched quantity during the batch will be counted.